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Comprehensive School Reform / Middle and High School (CSRQ)

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Top-Rated Programs

Listed below are currenlty available programs, listed alphabetically

Program Ratings
Very Strong Evidence of Effectiveness
strong evidence None
Moderately Strong Evidence of Effectiveness
moderately strong evidenceNone
Moderate Evidence of Effectiveness
Rating Program Description Contact / Website
moderate evidence America’s Choice Provides teachers and schools with a coherent, standards-based educational system that aligns instruction to expectations. Using data from regular ongoing assessments, teachers and school staff chart progress and provide safety nets in a timely and targeted fashion.

Complete contact format at: www.americaschoice.org/contactus Website: www.americanschoice.org

limited evidence First Things First A set of strategies that includes engaging students through strong and consistent adult-student relationships within the school, connecting in-school relationships to a student’s family, and improving the academic instruction within the school to enhance student learning without remediation. E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.irre.org/ftf
moderate evidence School Development Program A structure and process for mobilizing teachers, administrators, and community members to support students’ maturation along six developmental pathways: physical, cognitive, psychological, language, social, and ethical. Website: www.schooldevelopmentprogram.org
moderate evidence Success for All Middle School Provides teachers and schools with a proven set of instructional practices focusing on cooperative learning, which target achievement outcomes - reading, writing, science and the humanities – and non-achievement outcomes - student attendance, retention, and promotion, and discipline rates. E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.successforall.org
moderate evidence Talent Development High School Provides support for teachers to teach standards-based lessons and encourage active participation and contextual learning during 90-minute scheduling blocks. E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.csos.jhu.edu/tdhs

 *Evidence Rating:

See Review Methods for an explanation of Ratings

strong evidenceVery Strong Evidence of Effectiveness

moderately strong evidenceModerately Strong Evidence of Effectiveness

moderate evidenceModerate Evidence of Effectiveness


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