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Classwide Peer Tutoring has strong evidence of effectiveness for elementary school mathematics. The one qualifying study included in this review showed a mean effect size of +0.33. |
Classwide Peer Tutoring is not designed for middle/high school mathematics. |
Classwide Peer Tutoring is a cooperative learning approach in which children regularly work in pairs. They engage in structured tutoring activities and frequently reverse roles. The pairs are grouped within two large teams in each classroom, and tutees earn points for their team by succeeding on their learning tasks. A winning team is determined each week and receives recognition.
For more on the review of Classwide Peer Tutoring, read the BEE review of elementary mathematics.
For more information on Classwide Peer Tutoring, email [email protected].
Classwide Peer Tutoring has limited evidence of effectiveness for beginning reading. The one qualifying study included in this review showed a mean effect size of +0.46. |
No information available. |
No information available. |
Classwide Peer Tutoring is a cooperative learning approach in which children regularly work in pairs. They engage in structured tutoring activities and frequently reverse roles. The pairs are grouped within two large teams in each classroom, and tutees earn points for their team by succeeding on their learning tasks. A winning team is determined each week and receives recognition.
For more on the review of Classwide Peer Tutoring, read the BEE review of beginning reading.
For more information on Classwide Peer Tutoring, email [email protected].
For other reviews of research on education programs, see the Best Evidence Encyclopedia homepage at www.bestevidence.org.