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School Renaissance has moderate evidence of effectiveness for elementary school comprehensive school reform, according to the Comprehensive School Reform Center* (CSRQ). |
School Renaissance has not been assessed by CSRQ for middle/high school comprehensive school reform. |
School Renaissance provides schools with professional development opportunities, organization and management solutions, technical assistance, strategies for parental involvement, and a plan for annual evaluation.
For more on the review of School Renaissance, read the CSRQ review of elementary comprehensive school reform. Links to the CSRQ reviews are available on the BEE.
For more information on School Renaissance, visit www.renlearn.com or e-mail [email protected].
* The Comprehensive School Reform Quality Center (CSRQ)
The CSRQ was established at the American Institutes for Research through a grant from the US Department of Education and operated from 2003 to 2006. The CSRQ reviewed research on comprehensive school reform models. See www.csrq.org.
For other reviews of research on education programs, see the Best Evidence Encyclopedia homepage at www.bestevidence.org. |