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Talent Development High School is not designed for elementary schools. |
Talent Development High School has moderate evidence of effectiveness for middle/high school comprehensive school reform, according to the Comprehensive School Reform Quality Center* (CSRQ). |
Talent Development High School has the greatest need for additional research, according to Dr. Geoffrey Borman.** |
Talent Development High School provides support for teachers to teach standards-based lessons and encourage active participation and contextual learning during 90-minute scheduling blocks.
For more on the reviews of Talent Development High School, read the CSRQ review of middle/high school comprehensive school reform and the Borman K-12 meta-analysis. Links to the CSRQ and Borman reviews are available on the BEE.
Talent Development High School is not designed for beginning reading. |
Talent Development High School is not designed for upper elementary reading. |
Talent Development High School has insufficient evidence of effectiveness for middle/high school reading. The two qualifying studies included in this review showed effect sizes of +0.17 and -0.04. |
Talent Development High School emphasizes teacher modeling of comprehension processes, mini-lessons on comprehension strategies and writing, cooperative learning with paired reading and discussion groups, and self-selected reading.
For more on the review of Talent Development High School, read the BEE review of middle and high school reading.
Talent Development Mathematics is not designed for elementary school mathematics. |
Talent Development Mathematics has limited evidence of effectiveness for middle/high school mathematics. The four qualifying studies included in this review showed effect sizes of +0.18, -0.07, +0.18, +0.47. |
Talent Development Mathematics includes a standards-based curriculum combined with computer-based mathematics that develops advanced skills in geometry, data, and algebra.
For more on the review of Talent Development Mathematics, read the BEE review of middle/high school mathematics.
Talent Development Middle School is not designed for beginning reading. |
Talent Development Middle School is not designed for upper elementary school reading. |
Talent Development Middle School has limited evidence of effectiveness for middle/high school reading. The two qualifying studies included in this review showed a mean effect size of +0.12. |
Talent Development Middle School incorporates a focus on classic books, more high-level questions, and additional background information for students.
For more on the review of Talent Development Middle School, read the BEE review of middle and high school reading.
For more information on Talent Development programs, e-mail [email protected].
* The Comprehensive School Reform Quality Center (CSRQ)
The CSRQ was established at the American Institutes for Research through a grant from the US Department of Education and operated from 2003 to 2006. The CSRQ reviewed research on comprehensive school reform models. See www.csrq.org.
**Dr. Geoffrey Borman
Dr. Geoffrey Borman is a researcher at the University of Wisconsin. He published a review of research on the achievement effects of comprehensive school reform as follows:
Borman, G., Hewes G., Overman, L., & Brown, S. (2003). Comprehensive school reform and achievement: A meta-analysis. Review of Educational Research, 73, 2, 125-230.
For other reviews of research on education programs, see the Best Evidence Encyclopedia homepage at www.bestevidence.org. |