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Thinking Maps (Reading)

Beginning Reading

Thinking Maps has not been assessed for beginning reading.

Upper Elementary School

Thinking Maps has limited evidence of effectiveness for upper elementary school reading. The two qualifying studies included in this review showed effect sizes of +0.31 and +0.70.

Middle/High School

Thinking Maps has not been assessed for middle/high school reading.

About Thinking Maps

Thinking Maps is a program that teaches students to use graphic organizers to help them understand concepts.

More on this review

For more on the review of Thinking Maps, read the BEE review of upper elementary reading.

More on Thinking Maps

For more information on Thinking Maps, visit www.thinkingmaps.com or e-mail [email protected].

The Best Evidence Encyclopedia (BEE)

For other reviews of research on education programs, see the Best Evidence Encyclopedia homepage at www.bestevidence.org.

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